After I gave up drinking, as a functional alcoholic..I went through a startling metamorphosis, nobody was more surprised than myself..!!!!!!And my past life with all its characters, pleasures, guilt, innocence and hurts became a dream sequence, almost; Which in fact is nearer the truth, and none of my friends and relatives would recognise this 'new character'. Most people are afraid of the truth in all circumstances, that is why there are so many untruths. My personality was still blunt, irreverent and irreligious though.

I went on the 'spiritual path' and for a while I was sucked in to following a fake guru..who turned out to be a crook and a pedophile, what's new? I was the first to put an exposure of him on the net but they tried to do a character assassination on me. Hacking my computer using my name on posts, posting in my name answering them in my name, to make me look bad so people wouldn't look at the truth of Sathya Sai Baba. Luckily I got into Vedanta at the time and this philosophy saved me from the disillusionment associated with the phoney guru...I still had a doubt about his siddhis though as he could bi-locate and probably could project Prana or Chi,,,,

Saktipat is the power of the Sakti or Self and is present in all times past present and future at the same time...So a Muktas spoken or written word is as powerful , and present now as when it was first spoken or written...T People say a lot of stuff is non comprehensible to many people... That is the reason only to take note of the Muktas or realised people as their words are eternal and carry SAKTIPAT.....That way they penetrate the minds of the ignorant and seekers without confusion...T

"I am trying to tell you ---Give up all this trash, whatever you are studying in the name of religion , in the name of spirituality. Understand only one thing -That godly principle is there..that 'I amness', or consciousness-that is godliest of principles. It is there as long as the vital breath or life force is there."

Nisargadatta .Maharaj.
"Be still, and know that 'I am', (is) God" (Psalm 46:10),   Before Abraham was 'I Am'-----Jesus..............

Q. Is it obligatory to live out one's natural life span?

M. Natural -spontaneously -easy-yes. But disease and suffering are not natural. There is noble virtue in unshakable endurance of whatever comes but there is also dignity in the refusal of meaningless torture and humiliation....

Maharaj's body suffered with cancer in its last stages...but there was nobody home to accept the pain...
When you are awake you are consciousness when you are asleep you are only alive. Consciousness and and life---both you may call god but you are beyond god beyond being and not being....Maharaj.

Glossary of Sanskrit Terms used in this article

Atman=Brahman associated with the individual, Jiva=Individual entity. ADvaita= non dual, dvaita= dual, visishtadvaita=partly non dual.. Ajativada=non creation, Bhakta=Devotee, Brahman=All expansive..Awareness and Consciousness. SaGuna Brahman=Brahman associated with the gunas of manifestation and creation, Mukta, totally absorbed permanently..or realised one, realised moksha.realisation, NirGuna Brahman=Brahman with no gunas and not associated with creation on any kind....inexplicable, Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Meditation beyond the mind. Sat-Cit-Ananda=Being-consciousness-bliss, Pralaya=Dissolution or resolving of the material universe, MahaPralay=Dissolution of the material and subtle universe, Para=Above beyond, Vedanta= The end of the Vedas the teachings of the Upanishads, Turiya=Fourth State or beyond the mind, Sahaj=Beyond the mind meditation, Sakshin-Saguna-witness, Jiva= The individual, Mukti=Unite. Manas=Mind, lower mind. Vasanas=tendencies or subconscious impediments in the mind.

Free Will and Karma, Memory Karma...WITHIN ILLUSION! by Tony.....(Siva Aham ).

Karma is actually action so lets not confuse that with 'human memory karma'..

First of all it seems that ‘all’, is actually mind. Energy is mind, Universal is mind, so really apart from so called individual thoughts, all is thought. The projected appearance of Saguna Brahman, or 'God' within illusion.

In the first place all is a dream and an illusion , and we are operating at two levels, relative and absolute. Also there are the constituents of the dream to consider. If we take Einstein and relativity etc, then physically there is no time, beyond the speed of light. (In fact quarks and sub-atomic particles travel back in time. Also the speed of light as a  constant has been disproved in a lab.)

This is Kala or time, and Universal Consciousness is Kala or Time. So Time itself is an illusion and doesn't exist really. It is all a dream of the concept "God". So in this dream everything is really happening at the same time, it is just the play of consciousness that gives the illusion of progression and time. It is like lives, they are like a cartwheel and the lives are the spokes. Consciousness is the hub, and we concentrate consciousness on one spoke at a time, hence lives, but they all happen at once! However because consciousness has become associated with the illusion it has to free itself with free will.

This entails taking responsibility for our actions , as if we were making things happen. It is said that we see our future life before taking birth, so everything that is going to happen has happened or rather is happening. So at birth a veil is drawn over our consciousness, so to speak and then we have to literally, "Act out ", the drama, as if we are making decisions , that effect a really non-existent future.

So in fact when we ponder over a decision and them make it, that was the decision we had already made anyway. There was just the illusion that we were making it, so that we could take responsibility for it and learn. Learn what? Learn that we are part of a dream!

So the illusion of experiencing causes pain etc and eventually the "Consciousness Realises this and wakes up------Liberated". However as Sankara says it is real enough whilst you are in it. This is where karma comes into play for at this level of relativity there is the law of "action and reaction ", that keeps the illusion going so to speak. Until you realise you are the source and the truth, and it is all a dream. "Understand there is no free will for individuals. They are constrained by various limitations. Universal Consciousness alone has total free will. All others are bound in one way or another. Whatever one's efforts ,the ultimate outcome lies beyond one's day to day control. Yes even the decision to work or not to work is determined. So raising ourselves by our own effort was also determined, the effort was the choice of the mind, a choice already having been made. I'm not saying sit down and do nothing, but if one did that would be determined also. The Bhagavad Gita also talks at different levels that's why it is so popular----the different yogas. It is only the body mind complex that receives the karma anyway not the real You. My point again is we have to surrender for we are not the doer, and literally everything is preordained. The only choice we have is to make the mental choice.One should understand that karma literally means action, and that there are different types of karma including memory karma. Now everything happens at once so when we do an action the opposite action is also completed, even though it doesn't manifest until a 'future' life. So our choice is to learn, so if we make the right mental choice then that happened at the same time as the bad choice and nullifies that karma for the future. However there is karma and memory karma. Karma is much like Chaos and consists of action and reaction. Memory karma is where the human entity due to memory and need to learn, puts itself in a certain physical situation. This is a personal karma and is not available to animals as they do not have guilt. However we have to play out our role until Moksha or Realisation cancels all our future karmas.......Tony.


Sri Lakshmana Swamy, my Guru, said that a spirit can kill you with your own fear....And one has to remember as they are in thought they can affect the minds of the living especially in dreams..They are also desperate to recruit as many egos as possible as they have lost the battle of the Devas v the Asuras in the other part of the universe except this corner...Archangels v Fallen Angels or Demons..I personally have found that when in serious illness they seem to send dreams as part of this plan.. One must remember they had the audacity to tempt Jesus when \he was meditating and fasting in the wilderness....So anything they can do to prevent humans becoming realised they will do. T. Reminds me of a few months ago when i was woken up a couple of days in a row by something touching my leg as i got into bed,,,I jumped and asked Jean if she saw anything but no, by a spirit pressing hard on me in bed...I awoke and saw a hag trying to oppress me, I was not afraid and it looked at me and left...I remember Sri Lakshmana SWamy had a similar experience, so I opened my book on him and it fell open at the exact page. He repeated his mantra and it left...he was only 17 at the time..So decided to do the same in future..

.I am sure that-The spirit was a dead relative...I feel sorry for them to be in a resentful place like that...

Aphorisms ..mostly from Sages and (Siva Aham ). A lot of them are about Moksha or Liberation!

Act like a being, be an organism, and observe it............... Be detached and just see the body like a person, not individual but as in electrons, bosons, mesons etc just a snap of the whole...Tony...Who is the observer???

I really like the old Sufis but then they are not islamic, as a yogi is not hindu, or a mystic christian...they just rent rooms in the house.

The human ego is so conceited that it loves nothing more than to see children growing up and behaving just like them---It is a diversionary projection of attachment, and conditioning the child to have a stronger ego.

Human simians even apply it to other animals...

The ground of human emotion love is love but mostly it is attachment...Love is totally and unequivocally unselfish and sacrificial.

The Choice between the Now and 'The Now'..........

People try and live in the one moment or now of pleasure and expand and prolong this, reinforcing the total illusion.

The Real 'Now' is beyond time and space and is Saguna Brahman 'god' or the Sakti. Many seekers also confuse this now...and think they are living in the Now when they are actually living in a snapshot of their pleasure seeking lives.....

One who will die with his ties of affection for the family he will not be able to understand the gist of this matter the secret of this knowledge.....There is no 'I' .Nisargadatta Maharaj.

The tree of our life has many leaves/vasanas...almost as many as lives. For each vasana can cause a 'life' by itself. Through enquiry and meditation we shake the tree, until no leaves are left, then we are left with the trunk until it drops...dried and useless.

Human Love or Attachment to people and objects is not formed in the object of affection but is held only in the mind of the beholder...Even the images we see are not in real time but past time..So the attachment and pain is within ourselves.

I think that moment when one realises that one is actually a stranger in a stranger world...dawns....Then that is the first step on the world to liberation, from mind and madness...

The whole universe exists in the universal mind....only...our minds are just bundles of thoughts..any an impediment...belief or not.

Yoga or Juj-union is breaking the connection to emotions, grief and joy. The ego is stunned by emotional pain yet at the same time it is satisfied with the validation of its illusory existence, to itself....Hence the wallowing in griefs and self-pity....

Diksha or initiation-Saktipat is better given in silence it is superior to touch, sound Dakshinamurthi.....according to Ramana.

There is a place for non realised is a start for neophytes. However there is no place for those claiming to be Muktas when they are not. The consider themselves the end so the seeker doesn't continue evolving...

One does not have to understand the molecular structure of water to step out of the has to just want to step out!, even if there is a ladder to climb.

There can be no fear if one knows one is not a person..



What is Love? Love is God...but what if there is no god as such? Love is the Sakti energy of Saguna Brahman. We are all the prana and karma but the scum on the pond prevents the reflection of we have mostly attachment not 'Love'.

Texts and scriptures are helpful and so is a Jnani as a living text. However ultimately they must be given up, and some never know them at all but know them-SELF.

The San people of the Kalahari desert in South Africa have a saying...'somewhere there is a dream dreaming us'...leakey.

Without teachers and texts they have penetrated to und...erstanding the unreality of even Saguna Brahman/Self....

Mathru Sri Sarada's statement that 'the futility of human existence'...points to the Buddha's Dukkha or all is suffering or potential suffering...The futility is that it won't get any better as long as the dog has a bent hind leg...only solution-Moksha.

If one can penetrate the process of attachment one can ease one's sadhana or practice...The process is 'bonding' or creating Vasanas/wants/needs/desires, that are projected externally but are internal as they survive the demise of the object.

The objects,,demise and grief is the letting go of 'attachment vibrations' which are now superfluous..

The pain comes from the fact we have developed and intense attachment to the extent that they become part of our own psyche...and therefore are painful to let go....bad or good.

It is a process of first identifying as a body then by extension all that the body is attached or averse to.

Anger is always frustrated desire..but if we can channel all into the one desire for liberation and then give that up..Giving up the final frustration of bondage...

Humans do not look forward....they look back to the joys between the two griefs then project to try and create a world of remembered joys......Hence strengthening the trap of illusion and delusion.

The truth is the silence between two thoughts....earthly joy comes between two griefs....humans like to remember the joys...that way they fool themselves with attachment.

Once one progressed along 'The Path' one sees the futility of may be good to be born in one but it is bad to die in one hasn't learned..

Dukha or suffering as Buddha talked of in the 4 noble truths,,,not only encompasses actual suffering but past and future suffering as well. So even pleasure and joy carry with them the possibility and inevitability of suffering -that is Everything is Dukha...

There are times and tides, in one's life, when taken at the full flood leads on to progress towards realisation. Usually they are painful or a recognising of futility in human existence.

Although the herd animal and shoal fish jostle, bump, fight, they still don't leave the group..or its thinking..Humans do the same they are afraid to leave thinking/mind behind...the herd is more secure...with all its travails...

Humans are afraid to die whilst still living...for realisation the ego must die forever..Ordinary death is where the ego leaves temporarily but sitll exists...Realisation is where the ego dies itself...and the process has to be experienced.

Love is the energy the pranic is not emotional sentiment or attachment. The mystery of attachment is the mind goes out and attaches to something,,and then that becomes part of the beholder's psyche. It becomes an owned pleasure and the ego takes delight in the pleasure..

This is why it is so difficult to separate from one's attachments as they have become part of a child, pet or partner or object. These are vasanas and prevent the progress of losing the ego...No matter how non dual your mind thinks it has a thief in the palace...

There has always been localised consciousness in illusion,,,but the ego of man is the reactive defensive mechanism of the animal totally expanded and distorted by the mind.In other words it really has no foundation even at that level and is illusion within illusion.

When you serve others you serve is to weaken and dilute your own ego..,karma yoga,.except if you have the idea 'what a good helper I am' Jesus said the poor you will always have with you...Take the impossible impulse to change the planet and turn it around to change yourself --right out of here.

Belief is a lack of critical thinking....unless one has given ones ego over in True Bhakti.

When a person 'dies' the ego takes flight-the body becomes inert stiff and cold. Until it takes another 'body'. Similarly on realisation...the ego doesn't take flight but is destroyed....the body is in a similar ego-less death state...until the purified vijnanamaya kosa or universal takes over...All muktas have experienced this...

Sometimes it takes time to reactivate it takes a baby to learn to walk and talk..This is due to the residual prarabda karma left in the body...the fan can be turned off but it still makes a few revolutions. Mathru Sri Sarada took some function...others took less time, like Ramana or Maharaj....

Only human simians have a keen sense of humour, although other animals can laugh, because we instinctively know the ridiculousness of the human situation...only big egos take themselves seriously and they are mostly spiritual seekers.

The Self/Saguna and NirGuna are realises simultaneously once the vasanas and desires are cleared so to speak....Then according to Gaudapada it will be realised nothing ever happened at all...

Awareness has to be left behind for as Nir Guna is the truth what is there to be aware of and that would be dual anyway.

Post on Sadhana for moksha...

Swami Vidyaranya, in his 'Jivanmukti viveka' says that even with respect to those who attain Self-realization through the vichAra-mArga the realization takes place by means of a kShaNika-samAdhi , short term samadhis leading to full nitya samadhi alone.

So essentially what this is saying and is obvious is that no matter how much self enquiry we do .....samadhi is req'd as well,,,,it cant happen all in the mind...So in the end being in samadhi causes the final realisation because that is The Self...When we are in NirVikalpa we are The Self but when we can maintain it....It becomes Sahaja NirVikalpa Samadhi or Moksha.....Realisation.

So nobody can get realisation without The Self/Guru or whatever..

I spent a good part of my life being clever with words...but I can tell that you words cannot talk of NirVikalpa or describe my sadhana..The operative word is in NirVana or NirGuna etc..There is no 'knower' in that...the knower is at the Self or Saguna concept is posited in the creation hymn of the Rig Veda..on whether Brahman knows or doesn't know.
Ramana, Lakshmana, and all the Muktas have two things in common....

1. Only the Self...or Saguna concept can ultimately destroy the Ego...we cannot do it with our clever minds.

2., desires, attributes prevent final Sahaja NirVikalpa and these go back millions of lives and are not available to the conscious mind.Meditation helps in removing the vasanas.

They are like the scum on the pond or the dust on the mirror...the sun is shining all the time...but until the scum is removed from the surface of the pond it cannot reflect the sun..

As Lakshmana says the mind can take you to a false non-dual state that mimics realisation so to speak,,,Mathru Sri Sarada was in this state prior to realisation and even she thought she was liberated, but Lakshmana could see the ego, albeit only a shadow and subtle, and so he actually destroyed the ego so she could become realised. Otherwise at that time the ego was trying to kill the body and get another one...She went blue and cold in a death state, as do all muktas and it took quite some time for her to come back so to speak.

There are two gurus that are actually one.....1. The outer a mukta that is the pure emodied Self.

2. The Inner Guru which shines when all the vasanas are cleaned..

The Inner pulls the seeker and the outer pushes so to speak.

I cannot talk of NirVikalpa as it is not possible to have an opinion on it..that would be just word constructed opinions in the mind which is the problem in fact...I would not attempt to try and interpret the state of realised mukta...that would be the ultimate conceit and delusion of the ego...In the end result only the 'creator' of the ego illusion can remove it, as it is above mind....

he Sex drive vasana is incompatible with moksha as it is linear and expansive as the creation energy vasana...meditation and moksha are the opposite of this directly....they are a withdrawal of the senses to the source.....

All these people talking all this hypothetics and philosophy brought the tendencies and vasanas with them when the incarnated this time...They didn't just develop it in this life ----the obvious question is....if they brought it with them then it didn't give them realisation and it won't this time either....just whirlpools in the mind..only cleaning all those vasanas works.

Niz Maharaj says humans need oxygen, water and sex. Oxygen and water also food are for preservation....Sex is the outward creation impulse,.and one cannot get moksha with this outward impulse.Destruction comes from inertia and is impulses..

An illiterate 'primitive' can get moksha without intellectualisation..Somewhere there is a dream dreaming us...Ko San of Kalahari...Leakey.

It is only in the sounds of silence...that we are....
It is in the sounds of silence that the vasanas or burned up as prana is stronger than karma...of which it is constructed in illusion.

Nothing sounds more true and resonates with your mind, and comfort level more than the teachings of a fake.
Eloquent 'verbal non dualist' speak in the whirlpool of the conscious mind..leads nowhere but to rebirth unless deep meditation and removal of vasanas is done. The conscious mind is just the shine on the outer skin of the apple of mind..and leads only to rebirth.............people who speak like this brought it with them from a previous life.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cleansing of Vasanas is progressive and painful to human attachments...What we call love turns out to be attachments.....emotion and sentiment...of the lower mind..These are cleansed and many are not ready for not ask for Grace if you cannot handle it...

Attachment is the base of existence...even the plants have is actually a distortion of the 'All is one' feeling'...even animals grieve loss....everything wants to be whole...even if it is one thing at a time....this impulse is then misunderstood hence attachment occurs....the human ego individualises it to a relationship.

Words like 'awakening, awareness, now,.enlightenment, realisation' belong to The Self only and describe the qualities of Sat-Cit-Ananda. Unless one is a Mukta then all these word are just states of mind without all vasanas being cleared.

Due to attachment, children are essentially pet humans...but unlike pets they mature cause joy and pain and then want their own pet humans....large and small.

Attachment is a false version by the ego-jiva of what true Bhakti is the innate desire to become the Sakti, that we are.We should love other beings for the Self's sake not our sake or it causes both joy and pain,,,,and not just bliss,,and peace.
The pain of separation from the Self caused by vasanas is what causes attachment to anything but...the Self for the Ego is in love with itself alone...
WE don't clean the Vasanas so we cannot see The Self so we look for the Self everywhere looking for glasses which are already on one's head...we go outwards instead of inwards.

Even the attachment to false teachers and charlatans is part of this searching for what we already are.

Speech as opposed to telepathy used by the animals...and the silence of muktas arose due to a need to be untruthful, and have a deeper involvement in material. ~

It also has the effect of mechanising the mind due to speech, which leads to deeper involvement in the illusion of materiality...The frontal lobes are developed for this like a computer.

Most people don't want liberation they just want to know about it....and add it to spiritual materialism...It is a huge psychological break to negate all that is mind.

The non-mukta 'bait teachers' like all the neo advaitins, verbal non dualists, philosophers, are like earlier travelers on the road and they can help you, by the hand, on the journey...problem is when you get to the river neither of you can swim.

One way of telling whether there is a guru helping you is suffering and will find it comes karmically and then there is respite or a break before it starts or ends again....This is guru giving you only what you can bear and one time....

I was just thinking about my bio...all the so called bad things and all the so called good things I have done in my life are no secret...I own them lies, no secrets.I have no guilt I have forgiven myself.....They belong to my body/mind only...As Dr Phil says..'people who hide nothing -have nothing to hide..."

Love and pollyanna emotion.

The most overplayed word is LOVE...most misuse it...It is not pollyanna sentiment and emotional attachment...It is the ground the Sakti energy and it can be devastatingly tough and sometimes the Brahmins cow...Krishna gave the cow liberation so it dropped the body and died.. He did this as the Brahmin's last attachment was the it was cruel in our ego terms but in fact anything that leads to Moksha is Love....even cruel or so called bad karma is good as it moves one toward real love...So Love is Grace is Sakti all else is just mind and emotion and attachment...You cannot pass on love you can only become it...Then you can pass it on.

...Remember the projection of emotion and energy by a pedophile appear as love to a child...Same thing with a phony guru or teacher.

This is why most people are not really interested in Moksha but just talking about it, and having mental gymnastics.............they are afraid to ask for Grace for one never knows what will could be excruciatingly painful and most don't want that..............

Ego is fear-fear is ego...The Self has no fear...The ego goes out to expand and reinforce itself. When it feels it is losing it is filled with the fear of loss and a threat to its illusory existence. It is not the body but it possesses the body and the subtle body----Hence the fear the fear of fear and the fear of loss-grief and joy---and the lack of control. Ego is fear of separation from The Self which is displaced on the 'creation' and existence. The mind goes out and incorporated the attachment and object of pleasure or not, into its own mind like a mirror so to speak. The object of attachment material or subtle is not seen in situ or where it is but in the mind of the beholding ego hence the fear and pain as it is now part of the ego mind itself. Even the image seen and stored is in the past tense...when it is observed even.

One has to be fearless, be not complicit in Himsa or harm unless in defence, for the diminuation of the ego is in direct proportion to fearlessness as the ego is fear itself. That is why all cultures have an abhorance of cowardice...

The ego is the manipulator that names the is a bottomless pit of vasanas from previous lives,,,all the lives as saints and sinners, as pacifiers as killers ...all there are there in our memories the moodies would say...ready to manifest at anytime...

Ego is fear-fear is ego...The Self has no fear...The ego goes out to expand and reinforce itself. When it feels it is losing it is filled with the fear of loss and a threat to its illusory existence. It is not the body but it possesses the body and the subtle body----Hence the fear the fear of fear and the fear of loss-grief and joy---and the lack of control. Ego is fear of separation from The Self which is displaced on the 'creation' and existence. The mind goes out and incorporated the attachment and object of pleasure or not, into its own mind like a mirror so to speak. The object of attachment material or subtle is not seen in situ or where it is but in the mind of the beholding ego hence the fear and pain as it is now part of the ego mind itself. Even the image seen and stored is in the past tense...when it is observed even.

One has to be fearless, be not complicit in Himsa or harm unless in defence, for the diminuation of the ego is in direct proportion to fearlessness as the ego is fear itself. That is why all cultures have an abhorance of cowardice...

"We don't want to be free from fear. All that we want to do is to play games with it and talk about freeing ourselves from fear." U.G. Krishnamurthi. ..........Fear and ego are intextricably linked and co dependent..Tony.

The most overplayed word is LOVE...most misuse it...It is not pollyanna sentiment and emotional attachment...It is the ground the Sakti energy and it can be devastatingly tough and sometimes the Brahmins cow...Krishna gave the cow liberation so it dropped the body and died.. He did this as the Brahmin's last attachment was the it was cruel in our ego terms but in fact anything that leads to Moksha is Love....even cruel or so called bad karma is good as it moves one toward real love...So Love is Grace is Sakti all else is just mind and emotion and attachment...You cannot pass on love you can only become it...Then you can pass it on.

...Remember the projection of emotion and energy by a pedophile appear as love to a child...Same thing with a phony guru or teacher.

This is why most people are not really interested in Moksha but just talking about it, and having mental gymnastics.............they are afraid to ask for Grace for one never knows what will could be excruciatingly painful and most don't want that..............

Sooner or later the neo advaitin, the vndists or verbal non dualist....will fall back on western psychology to continue the dialogue with themselves...for they are in a cycle, of mind true non duality doesn't not examine the mind but discounts it.

The biggest impediment to realisation is the solitary non dual mentality.,,,it is the thief pretending to be a policeman.

One does not see a loved one where they are at and at that time...but in a nana second later in one's own mind only. This is how attachment forms as it is part of ones own mind,,,,and thus causes pain at separation,,for it is part of one's own mind indeed.

All the words of the Realised ones, Jesus, Maharaj,Ramana,Buddha, etc can be written in one book yet others minds spend lifetimes writing their interpretations on them..

Love is love when it is for its own sake, with no expectation of return and no feeling of I am loving or helping...then it is Love for the Self's sake and not just attachment or emotional sentiment....

An exercise I use is not separating the material, subtle and causal, as separate illusions..Otherwise one gets into material bodies and rebirth and all that when in fact the whole complex of kosas is a non happening event of the birth principle...neti neti.

Turn the other cheek.Per Se.
 Falling out and arguments with family and friends isn't just about 'making up' and mending fences or giving love. It is about getting over the attachment and surrendering. Jesus' turn the other cheek isn't about non violence per se but about the absolute futility in doing anything about it all...You may as well turn the other cheek ; The cheek of detachment and non karma...that is real love not sentiment..Like the yogi whose coat was stolen by a thief and he ran after him to give him his second garment so he wouldn't be attached...It takes a lot of attachment and pleasure to finally realise all is insanity and dukkha and that life in total is actually death.
( The point of this is the per se...what is going to happen will happen anyway, mending fences or giving 'love', is the external action and human love is mostly attachment, things should be done for the Self's sake).

Your first task is to see the sorrow in you and around you; next, to long intensely for liberation. The very intensity of longing will guide you; you need no other guide..Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

The problem with language is that it only reflects the mind.

The problem with language is that it only reflects the words like enlightenment or realisation are just words to describe a non existent event. So there is no word for it. We are already enlightened....we are like ponds with scum on..remove the scum/vasanas of desire mind and the pond reflects the sun...The Guru is actually the Inner Sadguru or Self...the outer Guru is the same Self a Mukta--Guru-Self, working through a different illusory body than yours...One is pulling and the other is pushing so to speak but it is ever the same Sadguru. One's own pond has scum on it but the Guru's doesn't so reflects the sun/Self

The body is an organism that will function its own way we are almost possessors, of it. The built up egoic mind entity occupies the natural body as a tool to enjoy and prolong pleasures and sense stimulation. Most people don't get any more enlightened as they age, they just get older with their bucket of desires still full.

Anything of mind is illusion...Truth cannot be spoken of as it then becomes a concept it can only be apperceived. Even, consciousness-prana, the Self, 'Awareness and Being', are all illusory Saguna....for where are they in NirVikalpa Samadhi?????????Nir Vana, Nir Viklpa, Nir Guna are all ways of decribing neti neti to the fullest......One last point -the human body/mind doesn't create a guru to follow,,that is also a form of body consciousness that some cannot shake off from their speculations.(.IE projecting one's own thoughts and beliefs on to a human guru form).The answer is Ajativada as is my entry on wikipedia.

The Secret of Liberation...ia the Birth Principle..NIZ...This is all you need!!!!

Only one in a crore, (10million),persons can find out what the birth principle is. And once you know it is everything, all knowledge belongs to you-even liberation is yours.......Nisargadatta .Maharaj....


The birth principle is Turyia.........Turiya is the 'I Am'..It is the witness is Saguna........Tony .


Turiya is the 4th state above waking, dreaming, and deep sleep...above Turiya is Turyiatita or Nirguna...


I have put this  in a note as it is the secret of liberation and it is so simple..........following the teachings of Niz...concentrate on the 'I Am'...excluding all else...develop that feeling that all is one and all is you....Koham -who am I? Soham--I am He!....I Am Siva -Sivoham...To slip iinto the parlance of Ramana must go into samadhi....NirVikalpa Samadhi as that is Turiyatita....however most cannot hold it due to scum on the pond preventing the relfection of the sun or vasanas. I personally cannot truly hold it for much more than half an hour...or less than an hour anyway...Once one can hold the state permanently it is, to quote Ramana.. No longer Kevala but Sahaja NirVikalpa Samadhi...or realisation, liberation, Moksha, or whatever term you wish to use to grasp it...Moksha is Moha Kyshaya or delusion destroyed...


In order to understand Maharaj...he says one must worship the vital force that prana...that meditation is necessary. Presumably as it is the kinetic side of consciousness and is within our grasp....All this comes from Maharaj and Ramana.....Tony.


-"Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM." John 8: 58----------Jesus.

Three surprises after people 'die'

1. There is no terrifying judgement or judgement at all.

2. There is no Lord or 'God' to be with....

3.They are still 'alive' and conscious


Ajativada. Vedantic, not Later Buddhistic which is erroneous mostly. It is not the same thing as the Buddhist Anutpada, which the Buddhist for some reason spuriously present as Ajativada...However Anutpada, or secondary, could equate with the Buddha's unborn...or Saguna Brahaman, in Vedanta. 
The Sanskrit term Ajativada is one of several alternately-held creation theories in Advaita Vedanta, meaning "non-creation" (of the world). In the book 'I am that', Nisargadatta Maharaj said only one in Bombay, about ten million people at the time, could really understand what non duality really meant...


  • "A" means "not", or "non" as in Ahimsa, non-harm
  • "Jāti" means "creation" or "origination[1]
  • "Vāda" means "doctrine"[1]

Taken together "ajātivāda" means "the Doctrine of no-origination"[1] or non-creation.

The conceptm "ajāta" was borrowed by Gaudapada from Madhyamika Buddhism[2][3], which uses the term "anutpāda":[4]

  • "An" also means "not", or "non"
  • "Utpāda" means "genesis", "coming forth", "birth"[web 1] Anutpada is not Ajativada as the Buddha subsribes to a 'something'.

Taken together "anutpāda" means "having no origin", "not coming into existence", "not taking effect", "non-production".[web 2]

Contemporary Advaitins translate the concept of Ajativada also with the phrase "nothing ever happened", or "not even the appearanceof creation exists". That is to say, not even the unreality of the world "exists". This is pointed at with the question "Where does the world go in deep sleep, turiya, nirvikalpa samadhi and nirvikalpa sahaja samadhi/meditation?".

[edit]Creation theories

In Advaita, there are three creation theories:[web 3]

  1. Srishti-drishti-vada: what is created is being perceived. The universe is held to be created by the Brahman in his capacity as Ishwara. Srishti (creation) is therefore prior to Drishti (perception). A thing has to exist for it to be perceived.[web 3]
  2. Drishti-srishti-vada: perception is simultaneous with creation
  3. Ajativada: creation is not an absolute real event. It actually never "happened". Ajativada implies that searching for a source of the origin of the world in a Creator is futile.



"Ajātivāda" is the fundamental philosophical doctrine of Gaudapada.[1] According to Gaudapada, the Absolute is not subject to birth, change and death. The Absolute is aja, the unborn eternal.[1] The empirical world of appearances is considered unreal, and notabsolutely existent.[1]

not ajativada as anutpada falls into the line of thought that Guatama Buddha used to say there is a 'something' whereas ajativada does not subscribe to a something at all as it subscribes to no mind or appearance or anything at all.

But Gaudapada's perspective is quite different from Nagarjuna.[7] Gaudapada's perspective is based on the Mandukya Upanishad.[7]In the Mandukya Karika, Gaudapada's commentary on the Mandukya Upanishad, Gaudapada sets forth his perspective. According to Gaudapada, Brahman cannot undergo alteration, so the phenomenal world cannot arise from Brahman. If the world cannot arise, yet is an empirical fact, than the world has to be an unreal[note 1] appearance of Brahman. And if the phenomenal world is an unreal appearance, then there is no real origination or destruction, only apparent origination or destruction. From the level of ultimate truth (paramārthatā) the phenomenal world is Maya.[7]

As stated in Gaudapada’s Karika Chapter II Verse 48:[web 4]

No jiva ever comes into existence. There exists no cause that can produce it. The supreme truth is that nothing ever is born.[web 5]


Adi Shankara wrote:

On account of constant absorption in Brahman, freed from the sense of reality of external objects, only seemingly enjoying them when offered by others, like a sleepy baby, perceiving the world as that seen in a dream and recognising it only now and then, such a man is indeed rare. He is the enjoyer of the fruits of untold merit and is truly held blessed and revered on earth.[8]

[edit]Ramana Maharshi

The twentieth-century Sage Ramana Maharshi was an articulate adherent to the concept of Ajativada. On Sri Ramana's view, Ajativada or non-creation is a part of the highest form of consciousness that can be attained. Sri Ramana described three consecutive steps, each of which corresponds to a different understanding of reality:

  1. Somebody or some god created the world
  2. The world arises simultaneously with our perception of it
  3. Ajativada, the view that the world never happened at all.[9]

Sadhu Om, a chronicler and devotee of Ramana wrote,

At times Sri Ramana Maharshi used to reveal some information which was not given by the scriptures and Puranas such as: how, in the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna began His teachings with the doctrines of Ajata and Advaita, but then condescendingly came down to various stages of Dvaita, and how He carefully used words which, though suited to Arjuna's limited grasping power, also gives room for well-ripened aspirants to discover, even now, the motive behind those words.[citation needed]

[edit]Nisargadatta Maharaj

Nisargadatta Maharaj's main teaching was that all was consciousness, and that consciousness was awareness interfaced with manifestation and using energy or prana.[10]. He distinguished three levels of discenrment:

  1. Individuals begin with first believing they are making things happen;
  2. Then they realise that things are in fact happening to them;
  3. Then finally they realise that nothing is happening at all.[11]

In the book 'I am that', Nisargadatta Maharaj said only one in Bombay, about ten million people at the time, could really understand what non duality really meant.

[edit]Other traditions

The Buddhist Meditation of vipassana, or observing the rise and fall of created or compounded things and the development of insight, is an indication of the unreality of the so-called 'creation'.[citation needed] Similar teachings can be found withf the Sufis, like Din Attar, Ibn Arabi, Jalala'din Rumi, Al Hussein Ibn Al-Mansour, Hadrat Muinudin Chisti, Al-Hallaj[citation needed], other Indian saints such as Kabir, Guru Nanak, and Christian mystics such as St John of the Cross, St Theresa de Avila and many more, most of whom were really considered out of the main steam, by their peers.

[edit]Levels of truth

Advaita discerns levels of truth. It is at the level of the highest truth (paramārtha) that there is no origination.[4

Ontological levels of Reality

Advaita took over from the Madhyamika the idea of levels of reality.[12] Usually two levels are being mentioned[13], but Shankara usessublation as the criterion to postulate an ontological hierarchy of three levels:[14][web 6]

  • Pāramārthika (paramartha, absolute), the absolute level, "which is absolutely real and into which both other reality levels can be resolved".[web 6] This experience can't be sublated by any other experience.[14]
  • Vyāvahārika (vyavahara), or samvriti-saya[13] (empirical or pragmatical), "our world of experience, the phenomenal world that we handle every day when we are awake".[web 6] It is the level in which both jiva (living creatures or individual souls) and Iswara are true; here, the material world is also true.
  • Prāthibhāsika (pratibhasika, apparent reality, unreality), "reality based on imagination alone".[web 6] It is the level in which appearances are actually false, like the illusion of a snake over a rope, or a dream.

[edit]Levels of Vedanta

Ajativada apllies at the highest level of truth, which is also called "Para-Advaita"[citation needed][note 2], comprising a fourth level of Vedanta:

  1. Dvaita - duality
  2. Visishtadvaita - partial duality
  3. Advaita - nonduality
  4. Para-Advaita - respectively and finally above non-duality.[note 3]

[edit]Nirguna Brahman and Saguna Brahman

Four levels of awareness or truth can be discerned:[citation needed]

  1. Small Ego/Ahamkara - 'I am'
  2. Big 'I Am' consciousness of Siva/Sakti-Prana
  3. Pure Awareness of SaGuna Brahman
  4. Ultimate Truth as NirGuna Brahman

According to Y.K. Menon, for Sankara the goal of Advaita Vedanta is knowledge of the non-duality of Atman and Brahman, thereby realising Sat-Cit-Ananda, or Being, Consciousness, Bliss.[citation needed] According to Ramana Maharshi these are actually qualities, and therefore attributes and still within illusion. In other words not Nirguna Brahman[note 4], but still Saguna Brahman.[citation needed][note 5] According to another interpretation, the realisation of Saguna Brahman and Nirguna is simultaneous, unless the person is a Bhakta/Devotee of some 'God Figure' and a believer in form. On the Pralaya or Dissolution of the Universe, it is Saguna Brahman, or Awareness, that 're-manifests' the universe, and not Nirguna Brahman. This is due to the seeds of manifestation being still present in subtle form or in potentiality, while the material is dissolved in Maha-Pralaya or the Great Dissolution.[citation needed] Absolutely seen, Saguna Brahman is ultimately an illusion that never ever happened, Nirguna Brahman being or the only Truth.

This can be compared in Vedantic Meditation to Kevala Nirvikalpa Samadhi (temporary realisation) and Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi(permanent Moksha). A person doing Kevala Nirvikalpa Samadhi is at the temporary stage.

[edit]Glossary of Sanskrit Terms used in this article

  • Atman = the individual being, identical with Brahman
  • Jiva = Individual being
  • Advaita = Non-dual
  • Dvaita = dual
  • Visishtadvaita = Non-dual with distinction
  • Ajativada = non-creation,
  • Bhakta = Devotee,
  • Brahman = Pure Consciousness.
  • Saguna Brahman = Brahman along with Maya, as Creator of the Universe
  • Mukta = a free/realised person.
  • Nirguna Brahman = Pure Consciousness. Nir=Nil and Guna=modes; so "beyond all mind".
  • Nirvikalpa Samadhi = where subject-object division is not there; no mind, no modification.
  • Sat-Cit-Ananda = Existence-Consciousness-Limitlessness,
  • Pralaya = Dissolution or resolving of the Universe,
  • Maha-Pralaya = Dissolution of the material and subtle universe,
  • Para = Above/beyond,
  • Para-advaita = beyond non duality itself
  • Vedanta = The concluding portions of the Vedas, the teachings of the Upanishads,
  • Turiya = Fourth State
  • Sahaja = natural meditation, permanent state of NirVikalpa Samadhi
  • Sakshin = Witness,
  • Siva/Sakti = Consciousness/Universal Energy,
  • Jiva = The individual,
  • Mukti = Freedom, liberation
  • Manas = Mind, one of the four faculties of the antahkarana(the other three being buddhi, cittam and ahamkara)
  • Vasanas = past impressions of the mind.


  1. ^ C.q. "transitory"
  2. ^ The term is used in Kashmir Shaivism, meaning "the supreme and absolute non-dualism".[web 7]
  3. ^ Gaudapada too states that, from the absolute standpoint, not even "non-dual" exists.[7]
  4. ^ "The Absolute without qualities", the ultimate transcendental, indescribable 'Beyond'
  5. ^ "The Absolute with qualities", being or 'Consciousness' associated with 'manifestation'




  • Bhattacharya, Vidhushekhara (1943), Gauḍapādakārikā, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass
  • Chatterji, Mohini M. (1973), Viveka-Cudamani, Adyar: Chennai
  • Comans, michael (2000), The Method of Early Advaita Vedānta: A Study of Gauḍapāda, Śaṅkara, Sureśvara, and Padmapāda, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass
  • Dikshit, Sudhaker S. (1999), I Am That. Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Durham, N.C.: Acorn Press
  • Godman, David Godman (1986), Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, London: Arakana, pp. 181–3, 184

[edit]External links

The lady....tried to leave the body. Due to attachment and belief they are the body most ordinary people will not understand my attitude.

The 89 year old Lady was a bright articulate intelligent bubbly person with the occasional depression or down. However as she aged she became demented over the last few years. She became so bad she couldn't recognise. her own children or family. She would listen and fake it but ask afterwards who they were...She need a carer to bathe her and she didn't even recognise what the faeces in her diaper was and sometimes picked it up...She was becoming severely demented...and the person that was in that body had died...Just today the caring relative, called me to tell me that she had died,for a while. Apparently she was found with cold and clammy with no discernable pulse...---the entity was trying to shake off the mortal coil...However the carer, in a well meaning way and not fully understanding what was happening punched her a couple of time in the chest and revived her and sent her to hospital...I thought it was a pity she didn' t let her pass over and perhaps the old lady will leave at the her life was just meaningless to her...obviously at some level she knew that...

The carer,  told me that as a guardian she had informed the hospital that if she died again to revive her...I asked why did you do that? She said so she can come home to die.. But she had already died at home and she was revived...Anyway I disagreed with the carer signing revive and resuscitate if dead papers and suggested it was the ego of the carer that was doing it and it was unfair on the old lady who was obviously trying to pass over..This was taken very badly and I was hung up on...The other children of the old lady want no resuscitation of the old lady..

In fact it would be better if she dies instead of come back to the life she is living..I look forward to a call sometime soon to say that she hopefully and mercifully died.. For to keep her alive is  only selfishness and misguided emotion on the part of the family who want to do so.Also Ireland is still half Priest ridden and under the influence of Catholic Superstition..they won't even allow abortion if the mother's life is in danger..and the EU judged against them. So if the lady is half alive and on life support they won't pull the plug..or she could go home brain damaged or get another painful disease...I hope the carer gets to see through the egos and sentiment and see what the old lady wants....


In the end result love is letting go...if you love something let it go....otherwise it is just emotional sentiment and attachment...which is of the Ego not of the 'Soul'. The soul or higher mind will always give you a message.........


A do not resuscitate should be signed and the resuscitate withdrawn.


The clue to me as to her wishes as she tried to leave already at some higher conscious level....I'm not exhorting people to euthanasia but having a DNR that is all.. However to some people living the life of a pet goldfish seem to be ok with them...Apparently being demented and incontinent and losing one's marble is fine as long as one has a meal and a warm bed...That is not quality of life and resuscitation 90 year olds can break ribs, cause pneumonia of further brain damage perhaps......DNR is Not Euthanasia...

Do not wast time in self indulgent grief.

My mother self-euthanised-suicided, by refusing food and water so she could escape her miserable existence.

My mother died in dementia on the 20th June in Ireland. I am not sad as she is better off than being imprisoned in a body with no mind to speak of...I am not wallowing in grief as that is attachment and self indulgence...I have no power over any action in this delusion...human love is only attachment not real is just pollyanna and ego for who is it that grieves and over what? ...There is only the life-force/consciousness  which we all mother has not gone mother is what i called that body...The only power i have is the power to have an opinon not change the action....People grieve because it is about THEIR LOSS THEIR ATTACHMENT NOT THE OBJECT OF LOSS...suggest reading 'I am that' by Nisargadatta Maharaj.... Also for ordinary people that die---grieving doesn't help them it binds them..After a person 'dies' the conscious mind is in the vital body for usually a few days. This body is part of the subtle and looks like the person. A demented person is no longer demented in this form so it is better to try and think about them and talk to them for the last time instead of wasting time on selfish indulgences like grief. My mother came and visited me as all my relatives seem to....and we had a short 'loving and mutually forgiving' conversation. I did not try to find her like I did her sister my aunt and found the shell of vital body as she had gone through the second death and moved on............I talked to my father in the same way when he was in the Bardo and didn't know where he was........SO DO NOT WALLOW IN GRIEF HAVE A LAST CLEAR CONVERSATION,,,, NIZ says that there is no reincarnation as such....but in the unrealised there is a cloud of dreams of tendencies, attributes and memories(karma), that provide the energy for a new body.................hence a new personality etc Do not touch me as I have not yet ascended to my Father...Jesus outside the tomb to the Mary Magdalene..This is the final death experience req'd of all muktas........... ( this doesn't work check the responses below for the url.)


Alice, (Eilish) ......Seances

I will call her (A*****) AND I TALK TO Alice, (Eilish) 10th February 1996.

A**** had smelt "death",and soon after I told her about Eilish's death she was in contact with her. It seems if a person who has passed over is thinking about a particular person, or the reverse situation, and a medium is involved, that sets up the link or channel. It is a three way connection, to start with, with the lower minds involved, especially if the deceased is still in the border plane.

This chapter covers our questions and answer period with the newly dead Eilish.Who had only just passed away on the ninth of February 1996.The language may be stilted but this is how it was .

A acted as the conscious medium and relayed all the messages. Without meditation I was unable to hear or see Eilish, but I could see the images in my mind's eye. Eilish suffered from bone-cancer and died of pneumonia, in hospital. (Her family had kept from her, the fact that she was dying,which was unfortunate, but she indicated to A***** and I that she was aware of the fact, but didn't indicate why.)


She knows about the after-life now. She went to the green hills, straight after leaving the body.

Talking about Bridget-A grand-daughter?

She has a small antique oblong box, with a latch and wooden carvings. She wants M and R to have it, (her eldest daughters.)

She wants a mass at the funeral and food for all afterwards. A white sweet, (probably blancmange.) She also said that she didn't like the idea of being buried in the ground. Her body that is.

She says that she is confused right now, what about Paul? (my brother whom she had a problem with.) I'd be happy to live in the hills. There is a wall, a brick wall, in the house, that needs painting.

She thought there was a judgment but everything is so different from what she expected in the afterlife.

Happy that the girls are at home with her husband, Greg.

Uncle Ted is here and another man, he will come in a dream. People are meeting her in the hills. There's a lady there to help her.


I liked his eyes when he was a baby. You could tell that he was different, from his eyes. They were violet, and looked different.

Can she hold her rosary beads and cross? Are there steps to the light? (We had told her to look for the light, the clear light.) She remembers sunsets being beautiful in the hills.

We asked E whether she would mind if we asked a Deva, Angel, to help protect her. She said I could if I wanted to. At that moment two appeared, one each side of her, they were golden in colour. (This was of course her own wish).

At this point I held her hand for a while, I could feel the warmth.

She has a message for my mother, her sister , that she will see her soon enough.

Thanks to M and R and thanks to someone for financial help/money??---Likely the late Reverend Father Ted?-her brother, AS HE MORE OR LESS SUPPORTED THE FAMILY AS THE FARM WAS FAILING...
There is a Holy Cloth for M to put on her lap, light yellow khaki in colour.(M is a Eucharistic Minister, and this cloth was probably a vestment that the late Father Ted owned and left to Eilish.)

She will come and visit her husband, Greg whilst he is quiet in his chair.

She mentioned the wooden box for the girls again.

She said that it's good that it's all alright with Paul, regrets not knowing his family but will see them.

She wants her stuff to be given away not kept. Someone is going to have a baby, she'll see the baby in the spirit world and will visit after the baby is born.

Tell Marie that we didn't have a friendship as adults for we lived too far apart but the bond is there.(my mother, Marie lived in Australia, at that time before returning to Ireland.)


Eilish said that, "we have a special bond. Thank you, I'll come in your dreams. A piece of my heart belongs to you". Appreciated me in her grief over Basil. I used to hold on to her legs and I had a little red tricycle.

Eilish says that A*****, has a lot of psychic gifts to be proud of.

Says that her eyes aren't weak anymore and feels relieved that she's not responsible for people, and sacrificing in the meantime; now she can rest.

She asked that on the day of the funeral I spend a minute thinking of her. (Thursday in the Canada.)



Eilish not so confused in the border plane now, happy to communicate and starting to understand her present condition. She says that Angels/Devas appear as soon as she thinks of them.

During the session I held Esha's hand twice and felt the vibration and heat; Esha was happy about it.

A saw her take form twice whilst talking to her. She said that she talked sweetly and was small and pale but happy. She also said that Esha was wearing a white or pearl necklace. I saw Esha's face in my mind, or in A*****'s. Esha said again that the after-death experience was nothing like she had been taught, (Catholic teaching.) (Eilish at this time of course was still in the Border Planes, or Bardos.)

We didn't push the reading as Esha had only been over twenty four hours and it was very tiring to A*****. Esha was happy to talk and enjoyed it. She also said that someone else was coming up soon, but I wasn't attached to this person.(Within two years Wally, my mother -in -law's husband died, it may have been him. Although in July 1998,her own husband Greg died.) She was obviously seeing the future so we asked her about earth changes and she said that they would be noticed. She said that we will talk again before she moves on, she really does understand her situation now. I asked if she was unhappy that I couldn't make the funeral, she said that I had done enough already.

She said that, before she died, her bones were painful and her lungs and throat were full of fluid. Esha said that she was glad to leave that old body. She also couldn't understand why I was a vegetarian and so I explained it to her, about non-violence, especially with regard to animals.

This session had been in two parts; at a later session with A******, Esha talked about visiting India and seeing the markets. She said that my father was fixed in his belief systems.

She stayed with A for an hour just visiting at her apartment and said that she was quite a little missy .She said that some suffering my wife had as a child was.....(Private message). Esha was very impressed with this type of "radio" she was using to communicate with A, and she was happy she could be where she wanted immediately she thought of it. She also said that a lot of Anthony's friends are up here; (my friends).

The next day I did a meditation , and I explained the bhajan/chanting meditation to her. She asked what I was doing with the flame. I explained the Arti, Maya. (It seems that my psychic ability is far stronger on the astral and mental than it is on the lower bardos,where I am somewhat weaker, due to the late period of life that I took it up)

During one meditation I took Esha by the hand and we went up through the dimensions. As happened to me at an ashram in India. The next time I tried I was stopped by two Devas whe didn't want us doing it, for whatever reason. (She wanted her grand-daughter to have one of her names. I was to put the request in an envelope and send it to the family, to be opened after the little girl was born. This was done and the little girl was so named.)

On the 17th of February, 1997 I was meditating in the bath but could not hear Esha. I took my consciousness up to the vital plane, asking for my Higher Self's, Blessing, passing mishapen ghoulies on the way. I found her shell floating with mouth open. Either abandoned or asleep, I decided abandoned, she had moved on. This was the second death.(I asked my Higher Self, for help during these sessions, and the process I used was to completely relax my body and go into a state of meditation, then visualise as much as possible until the visions came by themselves.)

I went up to see my uncle, Father Ted, on the Astral. He said Eilish had been there to his church but was not there now. Uncle Jo was dancing somewhere. T apologised for his rigidness whilst alive. I said not to worry, that was his belief system..

I went up to higher planes, there were formless beings, still couldn't find Eilish. Good blissful vibrations at this level..

I heard Eilish call my name, she said lots of my friends are up here and lots of God's Devotees have been helping and instructing her. I explained a little about God's Dream, Avatars and about all being One, Also that all was a dream no matter what level or plane we're on.

She was very happy and blissful and I talked about her husband Greg. She said that she knew about him, she told me to buy him a book and send it to him. She was obviously very spiritual and could move through the different levels herself.

She talked whilst I was writing. She says lifetimes don't matter anymore, and there are lots of advanced beings or Spiritual Teachers on this plane. She knows that there's no past, present or future, all is now. She can see the progression of lives but she's not attached to any of it.

The Chanting Meeting was a big help to her and she said that "It moved me on,". She said that she now understands the symbolism of rites.( some people need the imprinting), She said that she knows I am with His/God's people now Anthony". Your life will go well now Anthony. you will help people, you are beloved of "The Lord" because you have surrendered to Him. "My death was also a help to you." "We had a strong bond, you were really my first child, but that is just at an Earthly level. I know they were just roles, All is One, play the game Anthony and enjoy it, you will succeed. "Love Eilish.

(It is an interesting comment that I don't believe in a Lord or Personal God, but only the Transcendental Nirguna).


Eilish visited A***** again with another woman, around fifty? years of age. (Probably younger but in A*****'s mind she guessed older). She said "The Truth you know is inside yourself. The Truth is real turning on a wheel of sorts. Life is an ongoing cycle. Remember the stone within that glows. She said to remember when you were a child. A******* said that Eilish looked fresher and younger this time.

Around about this time I was getting visits in meditation from a soldier in uniform. He would appear as I was coming down through the dream plane. I mentioned it to my wife a few times, that a soldier was visiting me. I realised after a few visits that it was Basil Weston and that he was coming to me, looking for Eilish. Perhaps he was on a different plane from her. However I did have a vison of them together. He was her partner and had been killed in Burma during WWII, and received the V.C. for sacrificing his life for his platoon. On 22/4/96 I met Eilish again, she appeared young, with long hair and a coat. She was quiet at first, and I thought she was mad at me, but no, she embraced me-a thank you, I think.

I have seen Eilish since, looking young, wearing a white gown, waist-cord and going to some kind of school on a higher plane. I have gone up there several times and I know that Eilish is happy in the school. Eilish also told A******* that she would come back and would be a cousin of her children. I didn't follow up whether Basil was still with her, in a spiritual sense. I had a feeling he was somewhere else, perhaps reincarnated.
I have found that I can communicate with Eilish if I meditate, go up the dimensions and visualise her. Last time I heard her "voice," saying that the image wasn't her, she was something else ,the image it seems is my mind's way of communicating with her. The image is just the message that I am trying to communicate.

The states that Eilish was in are pretty typical of the Karmic Bardos. That is self created worlds, as in the dream plane. One it seems will create according to one's belief. If one is a Christian there may be saints etc, other beliefs would have their own structures. According to mystic and psychic tradition when one dies, one immediately checks in with the Lord or Clear Light of consciousness. If one is able to recognise this then one merges and becomes liberated. Most have Karma that drags them down and they awake on the border plane, just above the material plane. They stay there for a time before moving up to their appropriate level of consciousness. Where they stay until their karma runs out and they take rebirth. Undeveloped souls would re-incarnate immediately, which is what happens to the majority, according to some.....The End.
On another day in my room,just before the afternoon siesta,I was lying there comletely relaxed,in between sleep and wakefulness.When a little Siddha-Yogi appeared,an old man dressed in virtual rags.He was old,balding and wore a brown robe of some sort.He told me to touch his back near his right shoulder,this was all done telepathically,I must be on the Astral Plane,and I didn't know whether I was out of my body or what.I touched his shoulder then he took me up through all kinds of planes,from Astral to Mental and more.He took me through the level of form to a level of colours,shimmering vibrations.I saw forms,beings on the different levels,the shimmering 
DIKSHA OR INITIATION BY A SIDDHA IN MY ROOM ON THE ASHRAM...T. ASTRAL= 3 UPPER HEAVEN PLANES -VERY FEW MAKE IT. PRETALOKAS= 4 LOWER FOR CONTEMPLATION OF ONE'S ERRORS AND TO LEARN...THE BOTTOM IS WHERE THE IDEA OF HELL CAME FROM...T IN THE BIBLE JACOB HAS A SIMILAR EXPERIENCE BUT HE ONLY RELATED 7 LEVELS SO WAS TALKING OF THE ASTRAL.NOT THE MENTAL..AND HE RELATED A LOT OF FORM AND A ''GOD FIGURE'"...T. Tony O'Clery 25 July 2016 Subject: DIKSHA IN MY ROOM Here it is again; Back in the 1980s I was propped on the floor of my room in the ashram, with some books and looking at some pictures, when i felt a presence in my room. I looked up and saw an old yogi appeared in my room, he had little hair or none and was wearing a brown worn out robe. I wondered about the colour as Hindus were orange not brown like Buddhists....He looked at me and telepathically told me to touch him on his back shoulder and he pointed to it on the right side. As I touched him I went up through the planes starting at the lower astral which was full of misshapen beings of all kinds, and then up all the astral levels which were mostly form until we came to a level of only mental energy forms and finally total unconsciousness or NIRVIKALPA SAMADHI. I then came around and was back on my mattress on the floor......and even though I had been meditating for years, I realised this was some kind of consolidating DIKSHA BY A MUKTA.......siddha....... I had had OBE before but this was totally different, and loosened me up so to speak so I can still do it at will....Talk to people that have passed over and other things.............Tony.

WE talked to ROSETTA on the other side..along with   a sensitive, (She said she had said sorry previously another sensitive.),...Rosetta said sorry again and she said she didn't know the big girls were like that---the way they are...*She said she never told me  about her illness and that I believed sometimes without question so she didn't bother. *What she meant was i believed what she told me about going to sewing circles and womens doctors etc....when it was mental health visits..She was in  nice place but felt a little confused...She told the sensitive that she had had a problem in her mouth on the upper gums..( She always had rotten teeth as she was afraid to go to the dentist due to paranaoia, even when I had a lot of money and suggested it many times...).There was some other spirit around with a name beginning with M...or could have been an N...

The last thoughts are important when one dies...They carry over as the mind is not in the brain it uses it and can be affected by it..For example mentally ill people need to be peaceful when they die for if they commit suicide for example they will be in a place of light and peace but everything else on the astral will be confusion as it was in life..
It seems they are in a place of their own, but then are not we all?


She was a little worried about Siobhan's health ...who works many hours...

She didn't have any memory of BRIGID at all…??